Hello friends, Myself Nidhi Karnani, I come from a middle class joint family, a simple shy girl in school who suffered from a complexity in school due to my obese body and dark complexion.
We believe that each of us has a hero in our lives, whom we wish to imitate and follow. Based on this belief, we have created the most important section of our website – Café Inspiration. Some Stories have the power to inspire and change lives. We believe these are one of those women who turn ordinary into extra ordinary. They have truly built up a super brand with their hard work and dedication and their journey is one, which will help women to dream and believe in their dreams.

Success Story from CAFE- Madhuri Saraf
“I have learnt so much at CAFE, it has helped me recraft my passion and grow it multifold. Today I can deal confidently with any customer and also help them choose the best product”

Inspirational Journey from 1 cook to 100 chefs – Monika Daswani, Kitchen Stories
ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम् उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात् About the women A self taught chef, Monika Daswani has dedicated over a decade of her life in the gourmet food catering industry.

Never late to find yourself- Vinita Banka
I’m ecstatic today. For the first time , I’ve been given an opportunity to share my story .After years of dormancy I’ve rediscovered myself as a working professional.

Where there is a will, there is a way- Kavita Agarwal
About me…. Hello everyone! I am Kavita Agarwal, A mother of two wonders – Nandini-13 year old and Kabir- 3 year old, youngest daughter and daughter in law of two lovely set of god gifted parents

Life has been a big roller coaster, with more downs than Ups, but still fighting- Suchi Agarwal
Hi I am Suchi Agarwal born and brought up in Kolkata in a nuclear, very loving and close knit family. I was very brilliant in studies always, like I had topped Kolkata in my class 10 boards

My journey from Hospital to Mrs Universe Lovely- Shilpa Agarwal
I was Born in a traditional marwari family with four sisters & a brother! Although my father was very loving & caring ….. but he never allowed us to wear western clothes & go out for party etc.

Journey of Cooking Mania started over a cup of Coffee: Sonal Choraria
Hello from Sonal Choraria, Owner of Cooking Mania With Top Chefs..to all the wonderful cafe members. Hailing from a marwari Jain business family going into any business was always my forte

Magical 40 @Forty – a book by Cafe featuring 40 inspiring journeys of women who added the extra to the ordinary!!
Magical 40 @Forty idea was born when I saw the Forbes 40 under 40:) and thought that women should also get chance to feature in such list as the journeys are no less than the Forbes 40

Magical 40 @forty- Journeys from Ordinary to ExtraOrdinary- The Book by CAFE
Doesn’t magic connote to something that can’t be explained through logic and can only be experienced in wonder and awe? The book “Magical forty@40” embodies the spirit of such jaw dropping magic created by courageous women who have braved through harsh realities